Q.No.8 - Design a simple web page with different type of Border Style and paragraph written inside the using CSS ?


	<title>Practical- Examcomp</title>
	<style type="text/css">
			font-size: 20px ;
			width: 60%;
		.dotted {
			border-style: dotted;
		.solid {
			border-style: solid;
		.dashed {
			border-style: dashed;
		.double {
			border-style: double;
		.groove {
			border-style: groove;
		.inset {
			border-style: inset;
			border-style: outset;
		.ridge {
			border-style: ridge;
<h1>Boder Styles in CSS</h1>
<p class="dotted">There are so many border property in CSS. Here is we use border-style property:dotted;.</p> 
<p class="solid">There are so many border property in CSS. Here is we use border-style property:solid;.</p> 
<p class="dashed">There are so many border property in CSS. Here is we use border-style property:dashed;.</p> 
<p class="double">There are so many border property in CSS. Here is we use border-style property:double;.</p> 
<p class="groove">There are so many border property in CSS. Here is we use border-style property:groove;.</p> 
<p class="inset">There are so many border property in CSS. Here is we use border-style property:inset;.</p>
<p class="outset">There are so many border property in CSS. Here is we use border-style property:outset;.</p>
<p class="ridge">There are so many border property in CSS. Here is we use border-style property:ridge;.</p> 