Q.No.2 - Write a python program that takes a sentence as input and displays the number of words, number of capital letter, number of small letter and number of special symbols in the inputted sentence.


a=input("Enter ")
for i in range(len(a)):
    if a[i].isalpha() :
        if a[i].islower() :
    elif a[i].isdigit() :
    elif a[i]==" ":
    else :
print("Lenght of alphabets ",alpha)
print("Lenght of digit",num)
print("Lenght of small letter",small)
print("Lenght of Capital letter", capi)
print("Lenght of Special", special)
print("Lenght of Word", len(a))

Explain : Step 1: Create a variable in which user input store. Step 2: Now create variable and assign them 0. Step 3: Start a for loop which depend on length of input string. Step 4: if a[i] is alpha mean character then the alpha value increase by 1 and in this a nested condition. If alpha true then condtion activate and check the letter is samll or capital Step 5: If a[i] is digit then it increase num value. Step 6: We use for space so it does not affect the value of special character value. Step 7: At last any word/letter remain will be treated as special character and store in specail. Step 8: We just print the values.