Internet of Things and its Applications

Soft skills-Personality Development - Set 2

  1. A real or perceived threat or challenge that causes the body to produce a response is a(n) _______.
    1. Fustration
    2. Phobia
    3. Injury
    4. Stressor
    Answer : D
    Explain :A real or perceived threat or challenge that causes the body to produce a response is a stressor. The response to the stressor is called the "stress response".
  2. Which kind of word to be avoided for verbal communication?
    1. Simple
    2. Techincal
    3. Easy
    4. Local language
    Answer : D
    Explain : Avoid the use of local language.
  3. Which type of negotiation necessitates the presence of an observer?
    1. Formal
    2. Informal
    3. Both
    4. Friendly
    Answer : D
  4. The leadership trait/traits is/are:
    1. To influence people
    2. To guide followers
    3. To achieve a common goal
    4. All of these
    Answer : D
    Explain : Good leaders are self-aware, communicate effectively, delegate work, encourage strategic thinking, and motivate the team to do their very best.
  5. The stress management technique based on mental exercises which to produces the relaxation response :
    1. Autogenic Technique
    2. Eating
    3. Sleeping
    4. Medicine intake
    Answer : B
    Explain : Autogenic training (AT) is a self-hypnosis technique that uses mental exercises to induce relaxation. The goal of AT is to achieve deep relaxation and reduce stress.
  6. The messages meant for the general public and that sent to a specific group are called _______, _______ respectively.
    1. Circular, Memo
    2. Notice, Circular
    3. Note, Circular
    4. Minute, Circular
    Answer : B
    Explain : A notice is a formal communication that informs a person or group of people about an important event. A circular notice is a formal document that is published by a society to its members for informative and advisory purposes.
  7. The routine reports prepared in time-intervals like daily, weekly, monthly…… are called:
    1. Formal Reports
    2. Conference Reports
    3. Progress Report
    4. Periodic Reports
    Answer : D
    Explain :Periodic reports are routine reports that are prepared at regular intervals, such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. They are also sometimes referred to as recurring reports.
  8. Self-esteem promotes _______.
    1. Self-worth
    2. Disappointment
    3. Failure
    4. ill-health
    Answer : A
    Explain : Self-esteem is a person's confidence in their own worth, abilities, or morals.
  9. Mr. Rahul is seeking feedback after completing and implementing his project. This act represents __________.
    1. Time-Management
    2. Self-Awareness
    3. Gratitude
    4. Self-Love
    Answer : B
    Explain : Self-awareness is the ability to understand yourself, including your personality, values, beliefs, emotions, and thoughts. It's a psychological state where you focus on yourself.
  10. What are three R‟s in SQ3R reading comprehension method ?
    1. Read, Recite, and Review
    2. Read, Remember, and Review
    3. Read, Recite, and Recall
    4. Read, Recite, and Retain
    Answer : A
    Explain : SQRRR or SQ3R is a reading comprehension method named for its five steps: survey, question, read, recite and review.
  11. A__________is a document that can be used as evidence in court.
    1. Notice
    2. Minutes
    3. Letter
    4. Email
    Answer : D
    Explain :Email can be by all means submitted as evidence in court in the same way as you would any other form of documentary evidence.
  12. The essential feature/features of an email as communication medium is/are :
    1. Automatic filing
    2. Facility to send copies of message
    3. Automatic retrieval
    4. All of these
    Answer : D
    Explain : Email is a method of exchanging digital messages between people using the internet or other computer networks.
  13. Which is not the synonym of memo?
    1. Circular
    2. Memorandum
    3. Message
    4. Minute
    Answer : D
    Explain : Here are some synonyms for "memo": Note, Notice, Memorandum, Chit, Annotation, Jotting, Directive, Notation, Record, Footnote, Comment, Commentary, Diary, Inscription, Journal, Letter, Message.
  14. The way we dress is an example of _____________ communication.
    1. Verbal
    2. Nonverbal
    3. Written
    4. Spoken
    Answer : B
    Explain : The way we dress is an example of nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication is the process of sending and receiving messages without using words, either spoken or written.
  15. Communication with oneself is called ____________
    1. Interpersonal
    2. Intrapersonal
    3. Impersonal
    4. Intelligence
    Answer : B
    Explain : Intrapersonal communication is communication with oneself. It's also known as: Autocommunication, Inner speech, Self-talk, Internal monologue, Inner experience, Internal discourse.

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