Web Designing and Publishing

Introduction to Web Design - Set 3

  1. The rules with regards to conduct for Internet users is known as
    1. Mosaic
    2. Netiquette
    3. Protocol
    4. Internet Protocol
    Answer : B
    Explain: Netiquette is a made-up word from the words net and etiquette. Netiquette is termed referred as how the user behave on internet.
  2. A Spider is
    1. A virus
    2. A Browser
    3. A program that catalogs websites
    4. A hacker community
    Answer : B
    Explain: Spider also known as 'bot' or 'web crawler', is an internet bot that automatically seraches and indexing the webistes.
  3. FTP don't use ?
    1. two transfer mode
    2. Control connection to remote computer before file can be transferred
    3. User Datagram Protocol
    4. Authorization of a user through login and password verification
    Answer : C
    Explain: FTP(File Transfer Protocol) uses the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).
  4. Web pages are uniquely defined using
    1. IP addresses
    2. URL
    3. Domain
    4. Filename
    Answer : B
    Explain: A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is used to locate/find a resource on the Internet. It is also referred to as a web address.
  5. TCP stands for
    1. Transmission Control Protocol
    2. Transport Control Protocol
    3. Transmission Center Protocol
    4. None of above
    Answer : A
    Explain: TCP meaning Transmission Control Protocol, is a communications standard for delivering data and messages through networks
  6. Cookies store data in
    1. Server
    2. On Server PC
    3. Google Drive
    4. Browser
    Answer : D
    Explain: Cookies are usually small text files, given ID tags that are stored on user computer's browser directory or program data subfolders.
  7. Which of following is not use on server side ?
    1. Css
    2. PHP
    3. Pyhton
    4. Nodejs
    Answer : A
    Explain: PHP, Python, Ruby, nodejs are some of the programming languages used on server-side.
  8. Javascript is _________ language.
    1. programming
    2. application
    3. script
    4. Tags
    Answer : C
    Explain: avaScript (JS) is a cross-platform, object-oriented programming language used by developers to make web pages interactive.
  9. Verification of a login name and password is known as___________.
    1. configuration
    2. accessibility
    3. authentication
    4. Log in
    Answer : C
    Explain: Authentication is the process of validating the identity of a registered user or process before enabling access to protected networks and systems.
  10. Which of the following statements is false regarding Cookies?
    1. Cookies are programs which run in the background of the web-client
    2. Cookies have the potential of being used to violate the privacy of users
    3. Cookies are very helpful in keeping track of users in developing online shopping
    4. Cookies cannot contain more than 4 kb of data.
    Answer : A
    Explain: Cookies (often known as internet cookies) are text files with small pieces of data. It is not a program.
  11. SGML stands for :
    1. Standalone generalized markkup language
    2. Standalone global markup language
    3. Standard Generalized markup language
    4. Standalone Graphical markkup language
    Answer : C
    Explain: The Standard Generalized Markup Language is a standard for defining generalized markup languages for documents.
  12. An online information retrieval tool that uses the data of a web search engine to produce its own results :
    1. Search Engine
    2. Meta Search Engine
    3. Mega Search Engine
    4. None of above
    Answer : B
    Explain: A metasearch engine (or search aggregator) is an online information retrieval tool that uses the data of a web search engine to produce its own results.
  13. File protocol is used for
    1. deciding the design and structure of the file
    2. transfer of computer files from hard disk to main memory
    3. deciding the srorage space of files
    4. transfer of computer files from a server to a client
    Answer : D
    Explain: File transfer protocol (FTP) is a way to download, upload, and transfer files from one location to another on the Internet and between computer systems.
  14. What does .edu domain repersent
    1. Education Domain
    2. Commercial Domain
    3. E-learning domain
    4. Entertainment Domain
    Answer : A

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