Web Designing and Publishing

Introduction to Web Design

  1. HTML stands for ____
    1. Hypo text made up language
    2. Hyper text markup language
    3. Hyper text Marketing language
    4. Hypertext Manipulation language
    Answer : B
    Explain: HTML is standard go-to language to make web page.
  2. Which of the following can read and render HTML web pages ?
    1. Server
    2. Programmer
    3. Compiler
    4. Web broswer
    Answer : D
    Explain: A software application used to access information on the World Wide Web is called a Web Browser.It provides an interface between server and client. It can read and render Html pages.
  3. The latest HTML standard is
    1. HTML 5
    2. HTML 4
    3. HTML 3
    4. HTML 0
    Answer : A
    Explain: HTML5 (Hypertext Markup Language 5) is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web.
  4. WWW is based on which model ?
    1. Client Server model
    2. Local server model
    3. 3-tier model
    4. None of these
    Answer : A
    Explain: World Wide Web (WWW) is based on client server model. The World Wide Web is accessible from anywhere around the globe with the availability of the internet. You can get access to information or make information accessible to the world. The Web works as per the internet’s basic client-server format.
  5. Which of following is search engine in China ?
    1. Google
    2. Yahoo!
    3. Bing
    4. Baidu
    Answer : D
    Explain: Baidu is the most used search engine in China.
  6. HTTP stands for ?
    1. Hyper translate protocol
    2. Hyper Text tranlate protocol
    3. Hyper Text transfer protocol
    4. Hype Text Tranfer Protocol
    Answer : C
    Explain: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the set of rules for transferring files -- such as text, images, sound, video and other multimedia files -- over the web.
  7. Who is known as father of WWW ?
    1. Tim Berner Lee
    2. Alan Turing
    3. John Mccarthy
    4. Jack Kilby
    Answer : A
    Explain: Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist, invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989.
  8. Web page editors works on a ____ principle.
    1. WWW
    2. WYSIWYG
    3. CSS
    4. HTML
    Answer : B
    Explain: WYSIWYG- What you see is what you get.
  9. To make website mobile friendly, you can make your wesite more
    1. Friendly
    2. Responsive
    3. Fast loading
    4. Light
    Answer : B
    Explain: Responsive website are those which are open in phone it changed its size or property.
  10. Server side scripting websites consists of two main parts, one is scripting language and other is
    1. Scripting engine
    2. User interaction mode
    3. Server interaction mode
    4. None of them
    Answer : A
    Explain: Script Engine means a computer programming language interpreter, whose function is to interpret the programming text of users, translate such text into machinery code executable by computers and to complete a series of functions.
  11. A browser is a :
    1. line that delinates the edge of programme window
    2. device used to modify the window
    3. software program used to display web pages on internet
    4. None of above
    Answer : C
    Explain: A web browser is an application for accessing websites.
  12. Amazon is a best example of ______ site.
    1. Gaming
    2. Blogging
    3. Entertainment
    4. E-commerce
    Answer : D
    Explain: Amazon was developed by Jeff Bezos in 1994. Amazon.com, Inc. is an American multinational technology company focusing on e-commerce, cloud computing and many more.
  13. A __________ is the simplest form of website, in which the site’s content is delivered without the use of server side processing.
    1. Dynamic Websites
    2. Social Networking Websites
    3. Static website
    4. Gaming Site
    Answer : C
    Explain: A static web page is a web page that is delivered to the user's web browser exactly as stored. It does not change anthing in it.
  14. Simple plain HTML is used to create following type of website ____________.
    1. Dynamic Website
    2. Static Website
    3. Flash website
    4. None of above
    Answer : B
    Explain: A static webpage remains the same or fixed, in terms of the content it displays. A dynamic webpage, its content changes according to the user.
  15. A website address is unique name that identifies a specific ___ on the web.
    1. Web browser
    2. PDA
    3. Website
    4. None of above.
    Answer : C
    Explain: Website is a set of related web pages located under a single domain name, typically produced by a single person or organization.

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