Information Technology Tools and Network Basics Theory Question

Introduction to Computer - Set 2

  1. Which type of computer is characterized by its exceptional processing speed and is used for complex scientific simulations and calculations ?
    1. Supercomputer
    2. Mainframe computer
    3. Mini computer
    4. Microcomputer
    Answer : A
    Explain: Super computer are the fastest and most expensive machines, which is used to perfom immense amount of mathematical calculations.
  2. Computers that have the capability to process data and perform tasks for multiple users simultaneously are known as :
    1. Supercomputer
    2. Mainframe computer
    3. Mini computer
    4. Microcomputer
    Answer : B
    Explain: Mainframe computer are used in orgranisation such as banks and insurance to process large number of data.
  3. Computers that are used to control and manage resources in a network are referred to as :
    1. Servers
    2. Supercomputers
    3. Microcomputers
    4. Workstations
    Answer : A
    Explain: A server is a computer program or device that provides a service to another computer program and its user, also known as the client.
  4. Computers used by graphic designers, engineers, and researchers to handle complex calculations and graphics-intensive tasks are called:
    1. Servers
    2. Mini Computer
    3. Microcomputers
    4. Workstations
    Answer : D
    Explain: A workstation is a special computer designed for technical or scientific applications.
  5. Which of the following is the first microprocessor ?
    1. Inter 4004
    2. Inter 8008
    3. Inter 8086
    4. Pentium
    Answer : A
    Explain: The first microprocessor is the Intel 4004, which was introduced by Intel Corporation in 1971 and it is 4 bit microprocessor.
  6. Which component of a computer connects the processor to the other hardware ?
    1. CPU
    2. Memory Unit
    3. Input Unit
    4. System Bus
    Answer : D
    Explain: The computer system bus is the method by which data is communicated between all the internal pieces of a computer.

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