Information Technology Tools and Network Basics Theory Question

Presentation ( LibreOffice Impress ) - Set 2

  1. What is the shortcut key for move first slide in Impress ?
    1. Home
    2. End
    3. Ctrl+ H
    4. Ctrl+ End
    Answer : A
    Explain: Home -Jump to first slide in the slide show and End - Jump to the last slide in the slide show.
  2. Shift + F3, In Impress used for ?
    1. Style
    2. To Go First Slide
    3. To Go menu
    4. Duplicate
    Answer : D
    Explain: Shift + F3 used for duplicate of any object or text. For style us F11.
  3. What is the shortcut key to one page or one slide back in Impress ?
    1. Page up
    2. Ctrl + Page up
    3. Page down
    4. Both A and B
    Answer : D
    Explain: We can move one page or one slide back by Page up and Ctrl+Page up. If move to next slide use page down and ctrl+page down.
  4. What is the shortcut key to jumps on last edit slide ?
    1. Alt+5
    2. Alt + J
    3. Alt+Shift+F5
    4. Alt+Shift+ Enter
    Answer : C
    Explain: In Slide Menu > Jump to last edited slide option are found.
  5. Which of following is use to end presentation in Impress ?
    1. End
    2. Home
    3. Enter
    4. Esc
    Answer : D
    Explain: Esc key is used to quit or exit from presentation / slide show.
  6. In slide show setting > Range which option is not available ?
    1. All slides
    2. Custom slide timings
    3. From
    4. Custom slide show
    Answer : B
    Explain: In slide show setting three types of range : 1) All Slides, 2) From, 3) Custom slide show.
  7. Slide transition are effects which perform
    1. Beginning of presentation
    2. Only apply on some slide
    3. Only apply on object
    4. When one slide move to next slide
    Answer : D
    Explain: Transition are effects which is given on slide when move to next slide and it can be customize accorting to user choice.
  8. In which menu the Macros command is found in LibreOffice Impress ?
    1. Insert
    2. Slide
    3. Tools
    4. Format
    Answer : C
  9. What is the extension of Impress ?
    1. ppt
    2. odt
    3. ods
    4. odp
    Answer : D
    Explain: odp - open document presentation.
  10. In Impress, can we save file as pdf ?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. May be
    4. Can't say
    Answer : A
    Explain: Yes, we can save file as pdf in impress. Go to file menu > select Export as > select pdf.
  11. Which is not a valid presentation mode in LibreOffice Impress ?
    1. Full Screen
    2. Half Screen
    3. In a window
    4. Loop and repeat
    Answer : B
    Explain: In slide show you can see, Slide show setting. In this presentation mode, 3 types of mode : Full screen, In a window and Loop and reppeat.
  12. To protect senstive information portion / content in a file in LibreOffice Impress it is recommended to use :
    1. Redact
    2. Protect
    3. React
    4. Hide
    Answer : B
    Explain: Choose File - Save As and mark the Save with password check box. Now you can set file to open with password.
  13. Master slide presentation file created in LibreOffice Impress has :
    1. everything appears by default on all the slides.
    2. everything appears by default on the first slide.
    3. everything appears by default on the last slide.
    4. None of above
    Answer : A
    Explain: In the master view you can now adjust the format, such as size, font and font color of all elements, such as headline, text and the fields of the footer. In View Menu > Select Master Slide.
  14. which is not a valid property of transition on slide ?
    1. Variant
    2. Sound
    3. Duration
    4. Color
    Answer : D
    Explain: You can add Vairant ( means transition come from left, right, bottom, top), Sound and duration. But not add color.
  15. Impress allows a user to _______ macros ?
    1. Run
    2. Edit
    3. Organise
    4. All of the above
    Answer : D
    Explain: In Impress macros, you can organise, edit and run. Macros option are available in Tools menu.

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